Still Here For You!

We trust everyone is adhering to the “Stay safe, stay at home” mandates in our communities.  It is important that we all heed the call and practice careful social isolation at this time to do our part in flattening the curve of this crazy virus. And, as Music for Seniors resumes in-person live music programs for you, we will continue providing other really fun options to help you fill your day with enriching and music-filled content.

Free Virtual Outreach Programs Available Now! 

Each Monday we will provide you with a link to a unique music program created especially for you and brought to you by our Musician Partners, or by a staff member (Matt and Sarah). Each weekly program will feature a new musician, new songs and bring you new love and energy from the talented folks who normally bring you  the wide variety of songs and music you have come to expect and love – just as delivered to you in person through our regular Outreach.

To Receive the links we ask that you sign up so we can send you the weekly updates. If you are already on our e-serv list you do not have to signup again as you will already receive the links!

Sign Up Here!

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